Tuesday, January 31, 2006

How to configure/use JSTL in RSA 6.0 for WPS v5.1 test env

1. Where to find the tag definition

For example:

C:\Program Files\Portal51UTE\PortalServer\shared\app\WEB-INF\tld

2. Where to find the taglib jars

For example:

C:\Program Files\Portal51UTE\PortalServer\shared\app

3. How to define JSTL in web.xml

<taglib id="PortletTLD">



Saturday, January 07, 2006

RSA/RAD 6.0 Console output fails to display in the v6 Test Env when global security is enabled.

Detail is in the following link:


Basically the steps are:

1. Use SOAP as the server connection type
2. Run the following (with server secured and started):
3. Restart server (always use SOAP as server connection type)

wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl -lang jacl
-c "fileTransferAuthenticationOn cellName nodeName serverName"
-user username -password password -conntype SOAP -host hostName -port portNumber

Replace blue-highlighted with real values. The -conntype, -host and -port can be omitted for default values.


wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl -lang jacl
-c "fileTransferAuthenticationOn home-ptybeeka11Node03Cell home-ptybeeka11Node03 server1"
-user wsadmin -password here4you -conntype SOAP -host home-ptybeeka11 -port 8881